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November 24, 2024

Building Consistent UIs with Design Tokens


Esther Adebayo


Design tokens allow developers to create maintainable, scalable, and easy to manage user interfaces.

They create a shared language between designers and developers, allowing them to reference standardized values instead of hard-coding specific styles. This way, rather than updating styles individually across components, developers can adjust token values, which are then applied globally.

In this article, I'll cover how you can leverage Chakra UI's built-in design tokens to maintain consistency across all your applications.

What Are Design Tokens?

Design tokens are key-value pairs that represent the visual properties and UI elements of a design system, such as colors, typography, spacing and more. They play a key role in allowing you to create scalable, cohesive, and consistent user interfaces.

They serve as the foundation of a design system, allowing developers and designers to implement consistent styles across components and projects efficiently. By abstracting visual properties into tokens, design tokens create a shared language between design and development teams, ensuring cohesive designs.

In Chakra UI, these tokens fall into two main categories:

Using Core Tokens for Scalability

Chakra UI's core design tokens include foundational properties like colors, spacing, typography, radii, borders and more, which help you quickly set up your application's look and feel.

Here's how to use some of these tokens to streamline development:

<Box bg="gray.300" p={4}>
  Chakra Box with Core Color Token
<Box padding={4} margin={2}>
  Consistent Padding and Margin

This translates to a padding of 16px and a margin of 8px.

<Text fontSize="lg" fontWeight="bold">
  Styled with Font Tokens

Customizing Core Tokens

To start customizing tokens, you need to extend the Chakra theme by using Chakra's defineConfig function. This function allows you to override Chakra's default tokens with your own values.

Let's look at how you can start by creating a custom theme.ts file. A design token in Chakra UI consists of the following properties:

import { createSystem, defaultConfig, defineConfig } from "@chakra-ui/react"

const customConfig = defineConfig({
  theme: {
    tokens: {
      colors: {
        brand: {
          50: { value: "#e6f2ff" },
          100: { value: "#e6f2ff" },
          200: { value: "#bfdeff" },
          300: { value: "#99caff" },
          // ...
          950: { value: "#001a33" },

export const system = createSystem(defaultConfig, customConfig)

Now, you can utilize your custom token where needed, such as:

<Box bg="brand.100">This Box uses a custom token</Box>

Using semantic tokens for contextual styling

Semantic tokens allow for context-based styling and enables you to change the appearance of your app based on the theme or mode (e.g., light or dark mode).

<Button color="danger">Click me</Button>

In most cases, the value of a semantic token references to an existing token.

To reference a value in a semantic token, use the token reference {} syntax.

import { createSystem, defineConfig } from "@chakra-ui/react"

const config = defineConfig({
  theme: {
    tokens: {
      colors: {
        red: { value: "#EE0F0F" },
    semanticTokens: {
      colors: {
        danger: { value: "{}" },

export default createSystem(config)

Customizing the semantic tokens

You can create your own semantic tokens by extending Chakra's theme. This flexibility enables you to customize semantic tokens based on your brand's unique color scheme.

import { createSystem, defaultConfig, defineConfig } from "@chakra-ui/react"

const customConfig = defineConfig({
  theme: {
    semanticTokens: {
      colors: {
        "checkbox-border": {
          value: { _light: "gray.200", _dark: "gray.800" },

export const system = createSystem(defaultConfig, customConfig)

Boost Collaboration with Design Tokens

Design tokens promote a unified approach to styling, which can drastically improve collaboration between developers and designers. Here's how design tokens in Chakra UI help:


Whether you're implementing core tokens for standard styles or using semantic tokens to adapt to theme changes, Chakra UI's design tokens make your interface clean, efficient, and easier to maintain.

By using a shared set of values, you're not only speeding up your development workflow but also ensuring your designs stay cohesive. Try it out in your next project, and experience firsthand how design tokens can simplify your work and improve collaboration across your team.