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Focus Ring

How to style focus states in Chakra UI

The focus ring is used to identify the currently focused element on your page. While this is important for accessibility, styling every component to have a focus ring can be tedious.

Chakra UI provides the focusRing and focusVisibleRing style props to style focus ring with ease. The value of the focusRing prop can be "outside", "inside", or "mixed".

Focus Ring

This focus ring maps to the &:is(:focus, [data-focus]) CSS selector.

Here's how to style a button from scratch with a focus ring:

<chakra.button px="4" py="2" focusRing="outside">
  Click me

Focus Visible Ring

This focus ring maps to the &:is(:focus-visible, [data-focus-visible]) CSS selector.

<chakra.button px="4" py="2" focusVisibleRing="outside">
  Click me

Difference between Focus Ring and Focus Visible Ring

The Focus Visible Ring functions similarly to the Focus Ring, but with a key difference: it only applies focus indicator styles when an element receives keyboard focus.

This ensures that the focus ring is visible only when navigating via keyboard, improving accessibility without affecting mouse interactions.

Built-in Focus Ring

Here's a preview of the supported focus ring.



Ring Color

To change the focus ring color for a specific component, you can use the focusRingColor prop.

<Button focusRingColor="red.500">Click me</Button>

To change the color of the focus ring globally, you can configure the focusRing semantic token.

const colors = defineSemanticTokens.colors({
  focusRing: {
    value: { base: "{}", _dark: "{}" },

Ring Width

To change the focus ring width for a specific component, you can use the focusRingWidth prop.

<Button focusRingWidth="2px">Click me</Button>

Ring Style

To change the focus ring style for a specific component, you can use the focusRingStyle prop.

<Button focusRingStyle="dashed">Click me</Button>


Animation Styles

