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JSX style props for styling background colors, gradients, and images.

Background Attachment

Use bgAttachment to control the attachment of a background image.

<Box bgAttachment="fixed" bgImage="url(...)" />
PropCSS PropertyToken Category
bgAttachment, backgroundAttachmentbackground-attachment-

Background Blend Mode

Use bgBlendMode prop to control how an element's background image should blend with the its background color.

<Box bgBlendMode="multiply" bgColor="red.200" bgImage="url(...)" />

Background Clip

Use bgClip to control the clipping of a background image.

<Box bgClip="border-box" bgImage="url(...)" />
PropCSS PropertyToken Category
bgClip, backgroundClipbackground-clip-

Background Color

Use bg, bgColor, or backgroundColor props to set the background color of an element.

<Box bg="red.200" />
<Box bgColor="red.200" />

// with opacity modifier
<Box bg="blue.200/30" />
<Box bgColor="blue.200/30" />
PropCSS PropertyToken Category
bg, backgroundbackgroundcolors
bgColor, backgroundColorbackground-colorcolors

Background Origin

Use bgOrigin or backgroundOrigin to control the origin of a background image.

<Box bgOrigin="border-box" bgImage="url(...)" />
PropCSS PropertyToken Category
bgOrigin, backgroundOriginbackground-origin-

Background Position

Properties for controlling the src and position of a background image.

<Box bgImage="url(...)" bgPosition="center" />
PropCSS PropertyToken Category
bgPosition, backgroundPositionbackground-image-
bgPositionX, backgroundPositionXbackground-image-
bgPositionY, backgroundPositionYbackground-image-

Background Repeat

Use bgRepeat or backgroundRepeat to control the repeat of a background image.

<Box bgRepeat="no-repeat" bgImage="url(...)" />
PropCSS PropertyToken Category
bgRepeat, backgroundRepeatbackground-repeat-

Background Size

Use bgSize or backgroundSize to control the size of a background image.

<Box bgSize="cover" bgImage="url(...)" />
PropCSS PropertyToken Category
bgSize, backgroundSizebackground-size-

Background Image

Use bgImage or backgroundImage to set the background image of an element.

<Box bgImage="url(...)" />
<Box bgImage="radial-gradient(circle, #0000 45%, #000f 48%)" />
<Box bgImage="linear-gradient(black, white)" />

// with token reference
<Box bgImage="linear-gradient({}, {})" />
PropCSS PropertyToken Category
bgImage, backgroundImagebackground-imageassets

Background Gradient

Properties to create a background gradient based on color stops.

<Box bgGradient="to-r" gradientFrom="red.200" gradientTo="blue.200" />
PropCSS PropertyToken Category


Focus Ring

